Category: CSS

Image Mask Effect Powered by CSS Transforms

An immersive transition effect powered by image masks and CSS transforms developed by Codyhouse. You can take advantage of the PNG transparencies to zoom through the mask layer, into a project background image. If you …

Search UI Effects With CSS and Javascript

This is a couple of schematic, inspirational proof-of-concepts for how to show the search interface on a website using CSS animations developed by Codrops. You will explore some different layouts combined with some engaging CSS …

Block Reveal Effects With CSS & jQuery

This is a great resource developed by Codrops. Basically a collection of ideas for revealing content in a schematic box look as seen around the Web lately. The effect first shows a decorative block element …

10 New CSS Spinners and Loaders

Here is an another bran new CSS spinners and loaders collection. This set has been developed by Nitish Kumar. Each of these CSS spinners and loaders is modular, customizable and developed using Single HTML Element …

Artsy Media Pop Up Effect With CSS

This is a fun experiment with proof-of-concepts for various simple media pop ups on hover or touch. The idea is to show images, videos or other media in a pop up style with different effects. …

CSS Loaders With Pure CSS

Simple loaders for your web applications using only one div and pure CSS. Usually it’s common to show a loader to the users when they must wait something in a web application (an ajax request …

Morphing Navigation Dropdown Tutorial

This is a great tutorial to create a morphing dropdown that animates according to the size of its content. It’s first seen on website which is redesigned and Codyhouse guys has created the same …