10 Pinterest Boards for Typography Inspiration


Pinterest is a great source of inspiration these days, especially for web or graphic designers. One of the biggest and most commonly updated genres is design, and a favorite of mine that takes up a lot of my time is typography. There is just something so fun about fonts, especially the more creative forms that have popped up since the Internet went mainstream.

If you know what I am talking about and would love to know where to see the best typography on Pinterest, check out these 10 designers and their boards.


Igor Ovsyannykov

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationThis guy won me over when I saw his Harry Potter tribute and 404 design boards. It wasn’t until later that I saw his typography board, which I found (almost) just as awesome. There are more than 300 pins, and he has more unique samples than many other boards.
Visit Igor’s Pinterest Board


Jeff Andrews

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationOregon-based designer Jeff Andrews has a varied and well-used Pinterest board that shows both his work and his inspiration. His typography board is one of his largest, and he has some really fantastic modern designs. Some of them are product fonts, but most appear to be website or logo specific – and very cool.
Visit Jeff’s Pinterest Board


Mike Jones

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationI love the fonts on his Good Type board, but I also love his other boards that feature creative typography as part of larger designs. There are a few I have never seen before, which is saying something, considering my obsession with text design.
Visit Mike’s Pinterest Board


Dan Denney

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationI usually go to this guy for his packaging designs. But I would be seriously remiss if I didn’t mention his huge and really cool Typography and Font Love board. I like that he doesn’t stick to a particular style and, instead, has an eclectic selection.
Visit Dan’s Pinterest Board


Hrvoje Grubisic

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationEven though it is small, this is one of my favorite boards on Pinterest. Every bit of typography is vintage, with bottles, posters and stamps, among others. They are genuine rather than reproduction typography designs, which makes it special.
Visit Hrvoje’s Pinterest Board


Russ Burtner

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationMore on the trendy and edgy style of things, there are some great fonts on the Typography board here, especially in black and white. If you want something really modern, this is one inspiring board.
Visit Russ’s Pinterest Board


Paula Cevasco

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationThis is mostly web and mobile web design pictures. But some really cool fonts are scattered here and there. Others are shown on the site designs themselves, and it is worth checking it out.
Visit Paula’s Pinterest Board


Niki Blaker

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationThis is another one of my favorite boards, and all the fonts are quality. Every single one is creative, well made, cool and fun. Some are even odd. I follow this one and always look forward to a new piece being put up.
Visit Niki’s Pinterest Board


Steve Kamn

Pinterest Boards for Typography InspirationEvery pin is pretty cool, especially the “metal work” fonts. Since he has a good eye, I am hoping he posts more pretty soon.
Visit Steve’s Pinterest Board


Maria Fidalgo

Pinterest Boards for Typography Inspiration
This is one of the best collections of more than 200 pins. I especially love the horror and science-fiction fonts that are found here, though there are many other genres, as well.
Visit Maria’s Pinterest Board


You have to love typography. It’s fun, makes up a big part of the finished product of any design and is great with which to get creative. Pinterest has a ton of designers with typography boards, and the 10 above have great examples from which to choose. What are some of your own favorite Pinterest boards dedicated to typography? Let us know in the comments.