Artist Of The Week: Martin Grohs


We continue to showcase talented artists from all around the world.This week’s featured artist is Martin Grohs. Martin is a 25 year-old self-taught graphic designer based in Germany.Martin is currently working at the agency Kocmoc.Martin also works as a freelancer for international clients.He’s specialized in branding, illustration and image manipulation.
Below are some examples of his incredible artworks.
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Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource

Martin GrohsSource


  1. dushyant