The Development of Motion Design In a Cultural Environment


03 July 2022

Author: Riabokon Taras 

Video Design Expert 

Founder of the 2D animation project “FX MONSTER

This article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the use of motion design in the cultural and educational sphere. The author analyzes the scientific literature in order to identify the reasons for the development of animation and motion design, as well as the peculiarity of the implementation of technologies in this area in the cultural environment. The author of the article also highlights the goals of using motion design in the cultural field. Moreover, the article provides examples of the use of this direction in the creation of cultural products. At the same time, the author describes the complex nature of the use of methods and technologies in the modern cultural environment.

Reasons for the development of animation and motion design

In the modern world, multimedia is an actively developing area of business and production. Thanks to modern technologies and a high level of attention to this area, many different trends appear within the multimedia activities of companies and individual content authors, one of which is motion design.

Motion design, according to analysts and experts, has been actively developing in recent years and has a wide potential for application and further development. The essence of this direction is the use of animation in modern video graphics, which makes the picture lively and adds dynamics.

Researchers in the field of video design note that animation as a modern design tool already has a very wide range of applications: from television branding and advertising to mobile games, applications and films [1].

Also, in the research works of this area, it is noted that the main feature of animation is the combination of various fields and technologies: graphic design, typography, classical animation, film industry tools, as well as the basics of photography. One of the important drivers for the development of such an integrated area is the change in pace and lifestyle in society, as well as the high pace of development and change in technology, which implies the constant introduction of new tools that can improve the quality of products created.

Integration of motion design in cultural and educational areas

Together with many areas of application of motion design, this direction is reflected in the socio-cultural aspects and business areas. As the researchers note, the cultural space, which includes, among other things, exhibitions, museums, exposition spaces, is undergoing strong technical changes that bring this area to a new level of both public perception and economic opportunities.

In the cultural space, motion design allows you to effectively combine virtual and real spaces to broadcast information and increase audience engagement. The development of information technologies makes it possible to create conditions and tools for improving the efficiency of solving organizational and functional problems [2].  Also, the development of virtual space makes it possible to increase the audience interacting with cultural aspects.

According to experts, the possibility of presenting the cultural elements of society in the network and a simplified version of access to this information reaches a high level and implies a qualitative addition to material practice with a low level of loss of identity of cultural objects. This feature, formed by advanced technologies, also allows you to attract an audience, which has a positive effect on the financial model of the business.

Motion design technologies and tools make it possible not only to reveal many cultural trends and aspects, but also to attract an audience to them, since motion design products are inherently attractive to a wide audience, which is ensured not only by the peculiarity of perception by the viewer, but also by technical accessibility for the audience.

Examples of the use of motion design in the field of culture 

Further in the article, the author considers examples of the use of motion design technologies and concepts in projects and institutions of the cultural and educational sphere.

The first example is the use of animated videos in exhibitions and on the official website of the Hermitage. Videos created using motion design are integrated into museum exhibitions and used as promotional campaigns on the Internet. These elements are aimed at increasing the involvement of the audience, as they expand the availability of content to a wide range of consumers, and also allow you to complement the already existing range of cultural products. Also, the introduction of video content in this case allowed many visitors to independently explore the exhibits without the help of a guide, which is an additional opportunity for consumers.

Moreover, videos for weather forecast projects can serve as excellent examples of the implementation of motion design. In this way, motion design technologies were used in weather forecasts on the Kultura TV channel: the creators of the project transferred pictures and images in two-dimensional space with the help of motion design into 3D space. A very important and memorable feature for the viewer is the streaming video format created without the use of cuts.

Motion design and image creation

The researchers note that motion design technologies are widely used in the film industry. With the help of various technological techniques and sound design, filmmakers using motion design create memorable images on the screen, the feature of which is made up of complex details, most of which are created using animation.

Motion design provides a wide range of tools and a variety of visual techniques that are used to add dynamics, reveal the details of the image and create accents[3].

Within the framework of cultural products and cultural and educational environment, multimedia technologies that use animation provide content and video materials in a modern style, which most effectively affects the susceptibility of information. This feature makes the presentation of information and cultural elements relevant and uses the connection with social trends, which to a certain extent depend on modern technologies [4]. Also, according to experts, the use of video design technologies is effective for all age groups in the context of attracting an audience to cultural centers.

In order to keep the viewer’s attention by highlighting semantic objects, parts, information and giving dynamics to the video, complex combinations of text, infographics, 2D and 3D animation are used, and an important role is given to the sound content of the project, since musical and sound accompaniment can set an emotional tone, give color to the dynamics and build a general mood.

Motion design allows you to present and reveal the idea of the video very quickly, which is a very important positive feature. Technologies and tools of this direction, which allow building dynamics and placing expressive accents in the video, make it possible to demonstrate the main idea of the video within ten seconds[5].

The author of the article notes that motion design, due to a wide range of tools, also opens up a wide range of creative ideas and opportunities for implementation in creating announcements and advertising in the field of cultural centers and events. Motion design technologies have great potential in the development of various areas of cultural and educational activities. Also in this aspect, it is planned to unite various production areas: specialists in the field of culture, graphic designers, animation specialists and employees of the IT industry.




  • “Motion graphic design: applied history and aesthetics” by J. Krasner, 2013
  • “Graphic design basics” by A. E. Arntson, 2011
  • “Graphic design solutions” by R. Landa, 2018
  • “Type and image: The language of graphic design” by P. B. Meggs, 1992
  • “Motion graphics: graphic design for broadcast and film” by S. Curran, 2000