Top ASO Mistakes you Need to Avoid in 2021


Asomobile is used by many app developers to provide in-depth analytics that guide their App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy. Your ASO strategy can help you to reduce customer acquisition costs and increase organic downloads. This article will discuss ASO mistakes that you need to avoid in 2021.

Not Understanding the Impact of ASO on Your Business

Developers sometimes focus on creating an app that meets the needs of their clients but they spend very little time learning what App Store optimization is or how it can improve their business. ASO is the process that increases your app’s visibility in the App Store, so that you can receive more organic downloads. This process also increases conversions while allowing you to spend less on acquiring each customer.

Trying to Use the Same Strategy for Google Play and the App Store

Google Play and the App Store use different algorithms to rank apps. It would be counterproductive to try to use the same strategies for both. There are also ways in which each has different features that makes optimization easier. For example, you can do A/B testing on Google Play via your Google Play Console.

Thinking That SEO and ASO are the same

SEO and ASO are not the same and they work a little differently. SEO increases your app’s ranking in the search engine results while ASO increases its visibility in the App store, leading to more downloads. While paid campaigns can have an impact on SEO, they won’t affect ASO. If you really want your app to do well, you’ll be able to use tools like Asomobile to track its performance and make adjustments to your optimization strategy to gain even better results.

Not Localizing Your Listing

If you offer your app in several regions, it’s important to ensure that you have a separate listing for each area, in the language that’s used there. Your content may also need to be adapted to the culture of that area. You may also need to analyze your competitors in those areas.

Only Focusing On Search

While many users will find your app by entering your keywords in the search bar, some won’t. Several users browse categories such as Top Charts and Featured Aps in order to find new apps to download.

Not Monitoring your KPIs

Your ASO Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be monitored so that you don’t miss important insights. A tool like Asomobile can help you to do that. ASO KPIs include keywords rankings, organic installs and conversion rates. Where possible, all KPIs should be monitored for your own apps and those developed by your competitors.

Not Using An ASO Tool

It can be difficult to track your KPIs without a tool like Asomobile. Tools like these help you to quickly learn what your competitors are doing, track your rankings and monitor your ratings.

Minimizing the Importance of having a Quality Product

The quality of your app or mobile game is just as important to ASO as every other strategy that you pursue. If a user takes the time to download your app and then discovers that it doesn’t perform as they expected, they will leave bad reviews online. That will negatively impact your app’s visibility in the App Store.

The stores take the volume and speed of downloads into consideration when they’re ranking each app. This is a constant process, so you always have to fix bugs and other issues as they arise. Satisfied users speak well of your product and that leads to more downloads. That positively influences your ranking.

You’ll also need to consider using inbound marketing strategies to intentionally improve your app’s performance. Actively engaging with your users can also help you to rank higher. They’ll share suggestions and view your app positively when you implement those where possible.

Not Doing Research On Your Market

Learning about your app market niche is critical even before you begin development. You’ll need to know what prospective users really want. You’ll also need to know who your competitors are and what strategies they’re using to connect with users. Study their listings carefully to find out what’s helping them to rank. This can provide you with useful information on their lexical field and even their visuals.

Not Remaining Current with Store Updates

Stores change their algorithms all the time. It’s important for you to follow up with these changes, so your ASO strategy always yields results. When you’re aware of changes, you can immediately adapt to them.

Neglecting Visuals

Visuals play an important role in optimization. They affect brand perception so your screenshots, videos and icons should all convince users that they’re making a good decision by downloading your app. Always display your app’s most powerful features in the first few screenshots.

Delaying Work On your ASO

It’s never too early to start working on your optimization strategy. Don’t wait until your app is launched. Pre-launch ASO helps you to prepare your app for the day when it will be revealed to your market. You can do research on the keywords that you’re interested in targeting, Look at what your competitors are doing to work on their listing and use all of that information to improve your own listing before your launch.

Selecting the Wrong Fields for your Keywords

Users will use keywords to search for apps in your category. In the App Store, you can use fields such as the App Name and Subtitle to rank for your keywords. Of course, your keywords field should contain your target keywords.

On Google Play, you’ll have more fields available. These include the Title, Short Description and Description. Keywords that you place in the Title will have more of an impact on your ranking than those which are used in the Description.

Using Black Hat Techniques

While it may be tempting, you shouldn’t use black hat techniques. When you use fake installs and such tactics, they may work for a while but when you’re caught, it impacts your app badly.

Not Following ASO Experts

ASO experts constantly share tips that can help you with your own ASO strategy, so follow them to stay in the know.