Key Points to Consider in E-Learning Software Development


A learning and development professional’s life is packed with obstacles. Learning and development issues are unavoidable in L&D, from combating dull training content to extending shoestring budgets to surviving the pandemic (and everything in between). Conducting a business training program might feel like a marathon with many challenges.

E-Learning software development uses technology to allow individuals to learn at any time and from any location. Adult learning concepts, learning styles, and instructional design principles are all considered while creating E-Learning modules.

What is E-Learning Development?

E-Learning is the application of technology that allows individuals to learn from any location anytime. Simply, E-Learning is learning that takes place via electronic media. However, it is not as straightforward as it may appear. Subject-matter experts’ material is rendered learner-friendly using instructional and visual design concepts and then created utilizing authoring tools/software such as Articulate, Lectora, Captivate, Flash, etc. Finally, it is rendered AICC or SCORM compatible and available for users to access via the Learning Management System, Web Portal, or intranet. An E-Learning course aims to teach or assist those attempting to study independently. 

Check out what President at Rediker Software- Andrew Anderlonis, talked about disruptions in the education sector and how enterprises are contributing to it by offering advantages including interoperability, mobile access, real-time reporting & much more. The education industry has experienced a level of disruption caused by the pandemic, many of us never saw coming.

However, E-Learning does not just entail adding audio to presentations or recording live sessions and transferring them to a learning management system (LMS), the Internet, or a website. While this is simple and inexpensive, it offers nothing to the student. After all, it’s a one-way conversation with no regard for the requirements of the learners.

Key Pain Points to Consider

  • Finding the Perfect E-Learning Tool or Learning Platform

If you’ve ever had to select a new E-Learning authoring tool or Learning Management System (LMS), you know how difficult it can be. It can be overwhelming with so many E-Learning authoring tools and learning platforms to select from in so little time. It’s good to make a shortlist of must-have features before utilizing free demonstrations and trials. You’ll be able to choose the ideal tool for your learners and the E-Learning development team’s requirements.

When it comes to working in L&D, the advantages exceed the disadvantages. When done correctly, there is the potential for significant increases in engagement, productivity, efficiency, and performance.

  • Lack of Resources

We live in a time where learners have more knowledge than they can ingest, and their attention is valued highly. Unfortunately, not every online student will be wholly dedicated to the E-Learning process, and they might be preoccupied, uninspired, or both. They cannot fully participate in online learning programs because of these obstacles.

You should give them dynamic and immersive E-Learning courses relevant to their interests and aspirations to combat this. If you want people to engage actively, they must perceive the value of the E-Learning course.

Microlearning, gamification, and developing buzz for new material are three critical strategies to generate engagement.

  • Unrealistic Deadlines

Another major stumbling block for any L&D department is that once a course request is submitted or clearances are received. You must be practical about deadlines to build a sound system. Not TV meals, but personalized E-Learning creation. Time, effort, and patience are all necessary. With the stakeholders on your tail, you won’t be able to complete the task. You must persuade them of the difficulty of what you are attempting to build and figure out fair deadlines. The keyword is reasonableness. Plan out your efforts and inform your stakeholders about your development strategy. They’ll most likely agree with you. Spend time organizing and analyzing your time correctly.

  • Balancing Low Budget

As your firm prepares to ride the wave of new E-Learning and Development problems in a rapidly changing business climate, it becomes critical to reset, remodel, or realign your learning strategy to propel it to the next level. You may need to experiment to get the optimum fit.

However, implementing these modifications is easier said than done, and it invariably necessitates an investment of time, money, and people. The hour’s requirement is an affordable, practical model that can deliver the needed results quickly and cost-effectively.

Your company’s problem is to keep expenses down while providing a speedy response. To produce training, your L&D department will need to either use off-the-shelf courses or collaborate with a third-party provider. These choices often require a significant expenditure, which your firm may not find lucrative.

Furthermore, there is a reasonable probability that customized E-Learning may fall short of your expectations or would require time-consuming modifications. This is likely to lead your organization to fall short of its revenue targets.

Other factors that contribute to the limitations of traditional L&D techniques include:

  • A changing pool of skilled trainers.
  • A seismic transition toward digitization.
  • Teams that are geographically scattered and work in separate time zones.
  • Contextualization requirements for new and growing markets
  • Staying Up-to-date with Modern Tech

Every year, new technological tools, gadgets, and software are introduced that can help you improve your E-Learning delivery methods. However, determine which new learning technology is worth investing in with so much digital disruption.

Attend trade exhibitions, seminars, and events related to technology. Learn more about these technologies by reading articles, blogs, reviews, and case studies. This keeps you informed about new developments and, more significantly, assists you in determining which modern learning solutions are most suited to your training requirements.

  • Transforming Dull Subject Matter into Amazing E-Learning Experiences

Every L&D professional’s worst nightmare is a subject that is dry and boring. To turn it into something engaging and intriguing, you’ll need a healthy dose of creativity, ingenuity, and every resource you can find.

However, it’s not often the subject matter that causes problems but rather the source of the data you’re using to construct it.

Learners can ask questions and receive direct responses from other users and internal subject matter experts using social learning technologies and then share their findings across the enterprise.

Giving your learners some autonomy and encouraging them to create their learning content (which is then reviewed and approved by SMEs) is a big adjustment in thinking, but it may pay off.

Bottom Line

If you’ve ever had to choose a new learning management system, you’re well aware of how complex the process can be. Your LMS must deliver an entertaining, educated, and automated user experience for your organization. VLink is trusted by hundreds of companies and thousands of users for their learning and development requirements. Feel free to reach out to our experts for custom elearning software consulting and development