How To Kick Off That PPC Campaign For The First Time As A Small Business


There is a first time for everything, and when it comes to digital marketing, one of the most powerful channels that is within reach of any business is PPC advertising. If you are new to the concept, PPC stands for pay per click. As a small business owner or manager of a fast-growing startup, this is one of the techniques that can quickly set you at par with well-established brands when it comes to market outreach. However, before you get all excited and take a bling purge in the world of PPC marketing, there is the necessity of having facts at hand about the all-important process. First things first pay per click marketing is all about giving you enhanced online visibility by placing the business ads on major platforms where they will be easily visible to the target audience. It is, as such, a quick way to reach out to a broader market base without the time limits of having to acquire organic traffic naturally.

The fact that you want to embrace PPC marketing does not, however, mean that all other marketing ventures, especially SEO is to be ignored. This is because the goal of running these advertisements is to boost your overall marketing venture by making it easier for potential clients to acknowledge your market presence. It is also a practical way of ensuring that you do not miss out on all potential opportunities that are within your reach and could significantly boost your bottom-line. As with all other marketing ventures, there is a way as to how PPC works that must be fully understood if you expect satisfactory results. Primarily, it involves the creation of ads that you then pay to have run on different platforms, and the payment is dictated by the number of clicks on the advertisement.

For a business that wants to launch their first campaign, there is a lot that first has to be understood and the main factors to keep in mind are;

You have to first build great landing pages

The goal of a PPC ad is to pull the right traffic, and the last thing any internet user can ever take lightly is being directed to the wrong landing page. Where the traffic goes is the most important factor about pay per click advertising, and if you get this aspect wrong, then there is no way to attain the marketing results desired. It is therefore vital that a business first takes time to build landing pages that target users who will be attracted to a particular set of keywords. The landing page should be designed to convert and make each click count.

Smart is better than aggressive

Many businesses make the mistake of assuming that the more they create lots of ads, the more effective their PPC campaigns will be. This cannot be further from the truth as running ads without knowing when to draw the line or the appropriate channels for reaching out to the right audience will never give you value for money. Instead, you will be spending a lot of money and having little returns on investment when there is room to get smarter. The first step is to know the type of PPC ad to go for, and this should then be matched with an understanding of the most appropriate time to run the ads. These factors will enable you to have a cost-effective campaign that will accomplish its goals.

Be ready to continually test and re-test your ad copy and campaigns

It can be discouraging to hear this, but there is no silver bullet when it comes to having a super perfect PPC ad. No matter how good an ad copy is if you fail to take the time to conduct split-tests on ads and run different versions, you are inherently limiting your chances of success. Pay per click campaigns involves a never-ending cycle of finding the most suitable way to capture market attention and getting as much traffic as possible. Continued tests are not limited only to the ad copy but affects the whole campaign and all factors must be taken to account including landing pages, keywords used, and time when the ads run among other factors. The best part is that there are analytics to guide with this all-important process and ensure that a business progressively builds its PPC campaign into a successful one.