18 Free jQuery Parallax Scrolling Plugins


The term Parallax is derived from the Greek word, parallaxis, which gives some indication to its meaning. Parallax means to change position of an object. Parallax scrolling is therefore a technique being more frequently used on modern web designs to move text, images and more, around a web page frame to create interesting visual movement where it is needed.

One page themes which use a different parallax scrolling effect to zoom down or up to the right spot on a very long single page site are also becoming more commonplace. These types of themes are popular with creatives and web studios that want to lay out their team info, latest portfolio, and contact details all on one seamless page incorporating a cool parallax zooming effect. Certain jQuery Parallax Plugins can also help to create this type of navigational effect as well.

This is all made possible using Javascript and the jQuery framework. There are now quite a number of jQuery WordPress plugins that can offer this kind of extra functionality.

In today’s post we bring together free parallax scrolling plugins.The below parallax scrolling plugins are easy to implement and use.Here are 18 jquery parallax scrolling plugins.

You may also take a look at our past jQuery plugins and tutorials;



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jQuery Scroll Parallax Plugin

parallax scrolling pluginSource | Demo Horizontal | Demo Vertical



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jQuery Parallax

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Parallax Slider With jQuery

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jQuery Parallax

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Cool Kitten Parallax Scrolling – responsive framework

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Build a parallax scrolling website interface with jQuery and CSS

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One page website, vertical parallax

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jQuery Parallax Tutorial – animated background

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Showcase of One Page Websites With Animations

(while scrolling down)

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