48hourslogo – Logo Design Contest That Works!


48hourslogo is a web site devoted to offering the best logo designs, web designs, app designs and print media designs available.

48hourslogo has produced over 8,500 design projects, for more than 10,000 happy clients, since launching in 2009. Each client can start a design contest and solicit logo designs from any designer who wishes to participate. Design entries for a contest can range from ten, right up to over one hundred for a really interesting proposal.


The site itself is contest based. Contests are run in one of 2 ways. The first is full payment made at the start of the contest (for a logo this is just $99) or an initial payment ($29 with a logo contest) with the balance paid once a winning logo is selected. This choice is yours. The prices for web design, app design and print media differ from logo design.








Once a logo is submitted for the logo contest, the client can provide written feedback to the designer. An alternative version can be created – or several – in response to the client feedback, as the design is tweaked to perfection.

For the designer, 48hourslogo is a great way to showcase their design talents. The site shows various submitted designs for each client brief, so everyone can take a look at the creativity shown by the various designers.

Once a design is submitted and a winner is chosen, the client is provided with industry-standard vector graphic images for the completed project. Jpeg and png (web ready file formats) and a pdf file are also provided too.

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