3 Simple Website Improvement Tips to Help You Attract More Customers


Anybody who’s running an online business in 2019 would know how important it is to have a website. Allowing your prospects and customers to find you on the web, your site makes a perfect online face of your business.

No wonder why it’s crucial to have a good one. But the question. What makes a website good?

Well, there’s a bunch of elements that make the magic happen.

In this post, we talk about three useful website improvement tips referring to those elements to help you attract and impress more visitors.

Improve Website Layout

What works best for losing a prospect as soon as you get them on your website?

Have a poor website layout, and you’ll know how easy it is to lose prospects, customers, and money.

This is for the reason that a website with a poor layout will make browsing difficult. Elements like design balance, categorization, website’s base colors, graphics, spaces, and navigation are crucial for improving a website’s layout in a way that it intrigues, holds, and compels more users.

So, work for it. Get your web designer along and point out problems with the website layout so you can fix them up.

Also, if you want to be 100% sure that your website has the best layout possible, get in touch with a professional agency for web design in Ireland.

Use Testimonials

The way social proof works on the web is incredible.

Think for yourself. You are planning to buy a service or product, and one of their competitor’s ad pops up with a proof of excellent track record. Customers showering all the love for this brand. Talking about how this product helped solve their purpose.

Wouldn’t many of us be attracted to this new product? It’s simple. Proof that this product worked for someone and helped them made us consider this product over the first one. Because, who wants to risk money?

It’s simple. Your customers and prospects may also be feeling the same way. Stop them right there. Get the best of your testimonials live on your website today.

If you don’t have enough (or any) testimonials right now, a polite request to your best customers will reap you some sweet ones. So, get on it.

Improve Page Speed

The world of marketers and web developers has been emphasizing on page speed for so long.

In fact, one 2018 Google research concluded that 53% of smartphone users leave a website that doesn’t load in three seconds. Do you think your site can pass this test?

If it can, it’s okay. If it can’t, you’re surely losing on a more significant bit of business than what you thought. And by that, we mean an 11% decrease in page views, a 16% decrease in user satisfaction, and a 7% decrease in conversions.

Do you see how vital page speed is? Yes, no one likes to have their time wasted.

Moving further, what can you do to improve page speed?

Take a page speed test (with Google Page Speed test or GT Metrix speed test). Go through the list of issues persisting with your website’s speed. Fix those issues one by one, and you’ll be good to go.

Final words

A website is crucial for anyone trying to make their business succeed online. But is it enough to just have a website?

The world on the web is competitive, and so the users have more and more reasons to pogo stick from your website to somebody else’s. And all it takes is a better experience.

But what if you provide that better experience?

In this post, we tried to tell you how. Hopefully, this was helpful.