WP Theme Of the Day #45 – Next – WordPress Unique and Easy Portfolio Theme


NEXT is an award winning, easy-to-use portfolio template with Live Metro Panel, Unique Navigation (worth 4 USD), Animated Content, BG parallax, Standalone Pages and Retina Display optimization. This template features 3 layouts.
This theme is really easy to use and edit, you can add any colors to any elements or sections with rich set of short-codes and advanced meta box options.

wordpress portfolio themeDemo | Download

Here is the list of theme features:

  • Very simple & easy to use creative portfolio theme
  • Rich set of short-codes pinned to WordPress editor for quick access.
  • Featuring Live Metro Panel. Create metro panel simply like adding a blog post
  • Freedom Splash Page – Try anything on splash page Metro Panel, Rotating text or your own elements
  • High resolution (retina display) optimized
  • Animated Elements & Content Blocks, supports more than 55 animation effects via: http://daneden.me/animate/
  • Featuring a premium navigation module (Worth USD 4)
  • http://codecanyon.net/item/clean-responsive-side-menu/5266366
  • Expanding AJAX portfolio supports Image Slider, Youtube / Vimeo video, Lightbox Image, Lightbox Youtube Video etc.
  • Supports standalone pages.
  • Unlimited page sub-sections (Works like pages)on both standalone and one-page pages
  • Expanding Overlay Content Panels inspired from Metro UI.
  • Stellar BG parallax layers with optimized mobile view.




home2Demo | Download

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