How To Successfully Convert More Website Visitors Into Loyal, Returning Customers


You have raised yourself up in the search engine results pages and more traffic is heading to your website. Congratulations, you are most of the way there! But, what if those people aren’t actually converting into business? Or are mostly making a one-off purchase, never to be seen again?

If you are struggling to tip your conversions over the top and create loyal, returning customers, this article is for you…

Target the right audience

To begin with, many businesses struggle with conversions and repeat sales because they are not appealing to the right customer base. You need to know exactly who your ideal customer is, what they want, and how you can deliver it to them. There is no point in appearing to a load of users if they have no need for, or interest in, your products. You need to be as targeted and specific as you can for optimal conversions.

Understand search intent

Similarly, you may have the right target market, but instead of aiming for those who are looking for something to buy right now, you are stuck in the browsing category. It is also essential that you understand your user’s intent so you can demonstrate your relevance to Google or other search engines’ algorithms.

Once you understand your customer’s intent, you know what they need and can get a better idea of how to meet it. Changing your keywords is a huge way you can do this, and your Las Angeles SEO agency can put you on the right track today.

Don’t make your customers wait

Having a slow page loading speed won’t just harm your websites standing with Google’s algorithms, but it will also harm your customers’ experience and make it more likely that they will leave without converting. A large percentage of people will leave a page if it takes even a second too long to load.

You have most likely experienced that annoyance when you click on a link in a Google SERP and get nothing but a slowly building line on a white screen. The majority of users would decide to leave right away and will invariably end up with one of your competitors.

Your website design matters

From strong organisation, with the right headers, plenty of white space and clear paths of movement, through to how easy it is to checkout, your UX design is critical.

A well-planned and enticing UX design is essential if you want your website visitors to have a positive experience and ultimately convert into business and invariably return time and time again.

Give your customers a reason to return

Finally, if you are still struggling to get your customers to return, consider giving them a reason. Far too many businesses take getting a conversion as the final step in the process. But there are so many more steps you can take after the sale to entice your customers to come back for more.

Send them a personalised offer for discounts, let them know that you remember them and appreciate their business. And keep offering quality content that will encourage their engagement and interest.

The more value you offer, the more likely they are to give you their loyalty and repeat business today and in the future.